misasagi station was moved westward approximately 300 meters and became the underground station for common use with the kyoto municipal subway tozai line . 御陵駅を西へ約300m移設し、京都市営地下鉄東西線との共同駅として地下化。
it is expressed in the present writing system due to the problems pertaining to a nation ' s script (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use and the list of 1006 kanji taught in japanese primary schools ). なお国語国字問題(当用漢字・常用漢字・教育漢字)により現表記となる。
another combination of kanji characters " 角力 " is used due to the limited number of kanji characters designated for daily use (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use , and kanji taught in japanese primary schools ). 国語国字問題(当用漢字、常用漢字、教育漢字)により角力が別名でもある。
on the other hand , another kanji letter referring to a fence , ' 垣 ' originally refers to the one made of stones , but today only ' 垣 ' is used as a kanji for common use referring to both types of fence . 「垣」は石などで作られた物であるが、「垣」だけが常用漢字として両方に使われるようになった。
kanjiseigen (restrictions on the number of kanji recognized for usage ), daily-use kanji (superseded in 1981 ), kanji for common use (list of 1945 kanji established in 1981 ), list of 1006 kanji taught in japanese primary schools , and kanji officially for use in names 漢字制限、当用漢字、常用漢字、教育漢字、人名用漢字