for common use 意味

  • 共用の


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. misasagi station was moved westward approximately 300 meters and became the underground station for common use with the kyoto municipal subway tozai line .
  2. it is expressed in the present writing system due to the problems pertaining to a nation ' s script (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use and the list of 1006 kanji taught in japanese primary schools ).
  3. another combination of kanji characters " 角力 " is used due to the limited number of kanji characters designated for daily use (daily-use kanji , kanji for common use , and kanji taught in japanese primary schools ).
  4. on the other hand , another kanji letter referring to a fence , ' 垣 ' originally refers to the one made of stones , but today only ' 垣 ' is used as a kanji for common use referring to both types of fence .
  5. kanjiseigen (restrictions on the number of kanji recognized for usage ), daily-use kanji (superseded in 1981 ), kanji for common use (list of 1945 kanji established in 1981 ), list of 1006 kanji taught in japanese primary schools , and kanji officially for use in names


        common use:    common use 共用 きょうよう
        in common use:    普通{ふつう}に使われて、よく使われて、慣用の、常用の、共同で使う、共用の
        to be in common use:    to be in common use 熟する じゅくする
        actors' common-use room:    actors' common-use room 大部屋 おおべや
        come into common use:    一般{いっぱん}(的)に用いられる[使用{しよう}される?利用{りよう}される]ようになる
        common english use:    英語{えいご}の一般的用法{いっぱん てき ようほう}
        common use space:    共用部分{きょうよう ぶぶん}
        expression in common use:    常用{じょうよう}の表現{ひょうげん}
        kanji for common use:    kanji for common use 常用漢字 じょうようかんじ
        kitchen for common use:    共用{きょうよう}の台所{だいどころ}
        line in common use:    line in common use 共用線[機械]
        most common use:    《the ~》最も一般的{いっぱんてき}な使い方
        most common use of:    ~の最も一般的{いっぱんてき}な利用法{りようほう}[使い方]
        no longer in common use:    《be ~》すでにあまり用いられていない、現在{げんざい}は通常使われていない
        use common language:    品のない言葉{ことば}を使う


  1. "for collection and credit" 意味
  2. "for comfort" 意味
  3. "for commercial purposes" 意味
  4. "for commercial reasons" 意味
  5. "for commercial-scale utility customers" 意味
  6. "for company" 意味
  7. "for comparison" 意味
  8. "for competitive reasons" 意味
  9. "for complete and detailed instructions" 意味
  10. "for commercial reasons" 意味
  11. "for commercial-scale utility customers" 意味
  12. "for company" 意味
  13. "for comparison" 意味

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